Monday, October 28, 2013


  1. football
  2. basketball
  3. food
  4. dance for fun 
  5. sing for fun
  6. lifting 
  7. chicken 
  8. steak
  9. vegetables
  10. fruit
  11. shake
  12. Remember of the titans 
  13. Warrior 
  14. My phone 
  15. Friday nights
  16. Saturday nights 
  17. Friday night Lights
  18. NFL 
  19. College 
  20. Water 
  21. Milk 
  22. Grape Juice                           
  23. Cool shirts
  24. nice people 
  25. my family

Monday, October 21, 2013


I sit in my desk doing what everyone calls spacing off. I think about nothing and everyone says what are you thinking about and I cant answer because I am not thinking about anything hence the word space.. Even though I tell them I'm not thinking about anything they insist for me to tell them and I can't. So I make up a lie about how I was thinking about football just so they would leave me alone.

They finally leave me alone and I get to go back to my space that has become so comfortable to me now...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My bones

There she is siting in that chair looking beautiful as ever. Her hair rests perfectly over her right shoulder. I sit in the corner quietly my bones shaking trying to get me to go over there and talk to her. I don't know what to do I cant even breath when I look at her how the heck am I suppose to talk to her...? But I cant deny the feeling that my bones are giving me so I stand.. 

As I take my first step I literally almost fall on my face, but I recover and take that second step. I'm afraid my heart is going to jump right out of my body at any moment and I cant even swallow. I feel like I have been walking forever.. I finally get to her desk and I say the only thing that comes to my mind, "hey.. how are you?" 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Your time is OUT


DEATH is so weird. It is so weird because as teenagers we all think we are invincible and we can't be hurt and we can't die. But that is not true.. DEATH IS REAL and it happens everyday. When people think of death I think most people think of physical death. But there is emotional death that happens as well. Like when you break up with someone.. That is sometimes a very painful death..

What would you do if you knew you were going to die soon... If you only had a year left to live would you be afraid of asking that girl out? Would you be afraid of failing? Would you be afraid of falling? Would you be afraid of stealing? Would you fear anything...