YOU are NOT on my mind.. I DON'T think about you at school, in the car, at home, on vacation, and I DON'T think about you in THAT movie. I'm sitting here at this computer right now..
And I'm NOT thinking about you like bodybuilders think about weights, like Lil Wayne thinks about being great, like girls think about that first date. I'm NOT thinking about you like water thinks about flowing, like snow thinks about snowing, like rowers think about rowing, like trucks think about towing. I'm NOT thinking about you like phones think about calling, like D rose thinks about balling, like birds think about falling. I'm NOT thinking about you like pens think about writing, like fighters think about fighting, like couples think about fighting (because seriously that is all we did when we were together.)
I'm NOT thinking about you like bees think about honey, like Mike Tyson thinks about his loss of money, like Bryan Reagan thinks about being funny, like the sun thinks about being sunny. I'm NOT thinking about you like sushi thinks about the soy sauce, like Bruce Springsteen thinks about being the "BOSS," like you thought you were the boss (Ha).
I'm NOT thinking about you like legs think about walking, like parrots think about mocking, like you think about talking, (like oh my gosh... sometimes you just didn't know when to SHUT UP) I'm NOT thinking about you like flies think about flying, like everyone thinks about dying, like ties think about tying, like girls think about buying.. buying anything and everything they can get there hands on.
I'm NOT thinking about you like Music thinks about notes, like wake boarders think about awesome boats, like healthy people think about hole grain oats. I'm NOT thinking about you like Deserts think about the rain, like Bruce Wayne thinks about destroying Bane, like you thought WE were an unbreakable chain (Ha.. well news flash we BROKE)
Just thought I would let you know that...
I'm NOT thinking about texting to you.
I'm NOT thinking about calling you.
I'm NOT thinking about falling for you.
I'm NOT thinking about watching THAT movie with you.
Love this!!